I have been growing out my hair since January 2012. It has been a LONG and at times, exhausting process. You can check out my first thoughts about hair here.
I have had long hair, short hair, curly hair, and straight hair. I have had haircuts I've absolutely hated (circa 7th grade photo) and haircuts that I adore.
Since I've been married, my hair has mainly been on the shorter side. Then after having kids, it has been even shorter.
My sole purpose of letting my hair grow this time, was to donate my hair to Children With Hair Loss by my 40th birthday. I chose CWHL because they DO NOT charge their clients for wigs, they work mainly with cancer patients, they accepted color treated hair, and most importantly, they only needed eight inches!
I had no idea it would be such a process. Most mornings, I dreaded fixing my long hair. I had aspirations of doing all these fun and exciting things with my long hair, but it either ended up straight and flat or in a braid of some sort. Curling and fun up-dos just were NOT going to happen. I seriously tried and tried and tried, but my hair wouldn't do a thing!!
The last few months, I have been sick and tired of my hair. Everything I tried to do to get my hair to grow faster didn't work. I was also picking up my hair on and in everything!! My hair was falling out by the hand full. And when I'd leave the house, I felt like I'd look in the mirror and say, "This is as good as it gets!!"
I knew exactly what haircut I wanted - a PIXIE!! I got my first pixie cut when I was about 34. I loved it!! It was easy to fix and maintain. This time, I wanted a little more length in the front. A little more asymmetrical, which is a bit scary for me. I've had one asymmetrical haircut and I didn't really like it, I felt like I could only wear my one way. I finally decided it was worth the risk because if I didn't like, I'd just cut it a bit shorter!!
I also wanted to play with my hair color a bit. I haven't played with my hair color much because when I have in the past, I haven't really like the results. I finally decided to take another risk by adding a bit of bleach to my hair.
My inspiration photo for cut and color was this photo of Shailene Woodley.
I was able to donate four small eight inch ponytails!! I was thrilled when I heard the snip, snip of the scissors!! When I filled out the paperwork, I was excited to make my donation in honor of my friend, Denise. Denise lost her battle with breast cancer in May. I hadn't even thought about that being a possibility until I saw it on the application.
I loved the way it turned out!! This hair cut is so me. I'm not a long haired girl and I'm totally okay with that!! I still want to let the front grow a bit longer, but I can actually wash, dry, and fix my hair in less time than it would take me to try to style my long hair. The color in the front is still a work in progress, I am wanting it a bit more blond, but it will take a little time, since I've never had bleach on my hair.
Have you ever for went for a dramatic new look??
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