Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hair Today, Gone Maybe by September!

In the fall of 2011, I decided it would be an amazing and wonderful thing to grow out my hair to donate to a charity. I officially started growing it out January 1, 2012.  At the time, I had a pixie cut, which I loved by the way!  It was super easy to fix and maintain.  I had no idea growing out my hair would take so long!!

When I was younger, I felt like my hair grew super fast and was relatively healthy.  Now that I'm almost forty (did I just write that out loud), my hair is growing at a snail's pace and since I have a ton of gray I'm trying to cover up all the time, I don't think it's very healthy either!!

Year One, involved lots of trimming, Justin Beiber like hair (I have the pictures to prove it, but not brave enough to share them!!), and trying to keep my hair from looking like I wanted to have a mullet!!  I also had to wear a lot of headbands, bobby pins, and clips to keep my hair out of my face.

Year Two, was a little less trimming, but had to keep the back short to keep it close to what the length of the front was.  I was finally able to put my hair up in an actual pony tail for the first time in a decade!!

Year Three, has been the easiest year because we haven't had to trim hardly at all and I can actually wear my hair in a few more fun styles - buns, pony tails, and curls.  This year, I have tried a few concoctions to help my hair grow faster, but don't really think they've helped.  Recently, I started drinking a calcium tea, that I do think is helping my hair grow a little faster and it's pretty tasty.

I have decided I really don't like long hair on me.  I can't fix it like all these youtube videos and pins on Pinterest show you.  I don't like taking the time to try to fix it and when I do, I usually don't like it and just wear it down like I always do (unless I'm hitting the gym or going for a run).  And the biggest reason I don't like my hair long. . . I shed like a cat.  I feel like I'm always sweeping up hair, pulling off my hair from someone or something, and cleaning it out of my sink!!  Totally, YUCKO!

My plan is donate before my next monumental birthday in September.  I am totally ok with my hair being super short if need be, but I'm hoping it's long enough that I can play with the length a bit and have a bit longer, asymmetrical bob or pixie.  

Have you donated your hair to charity?  If so, who did you donate it to and why?  So ready to be done with crazy mane of aging hair!!

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