Thursday, January 1, 2015

And Away We Go. . . .

I've toyed with the idea of writing a blog for a little over a year now.  I've always been a planner.  I like to have things all figured out.  I like to know what I'm getting myself into. So for a year now, I've been researching, planning, following blogs, and pinning away on Pinterest, trying to figure out the blogging world.

I've been struggling to figure out my niche - what's going to set me apart from all the blogs out there, but I've concluded I don't really have a niche. I don't have one or two things I want my blog to focus on.  I love too many things - I love crafting, thrifting, God, movies, fashion, scrapbooking, books, repurposing, food, travel, fitness, entertaining, and photography.  I might think that is a lengthy list, but I could have added several other items!!

I want my blog to be a way to express myself.  I love creating, whether it with paper, photos, or fashion.  Being able to create energizes me.  I have finally figured out that when I'm not able to be creative in some form, I start to shut down.  It's time for me to just be me!!

I chose the name A Pocket Full of Violets for a few reasons.  1- I love violets - they are my favorite flower (thanks Anne of Green Gables!!).  2 - If we are blessed with another daughter, I want to name her Violet.  3 - I also have tons of ideas I want to share with you - my pockets are filled to the brim :).  4 - Just like a pocket full of lovely little violets always makes me smile, I hope that this blog will bring a smile to your face as well.